Friday, November 26, 2010

I just wanted to pop on today and say that I hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We spent ours with Kens family and I reflected on how lucky we are. One year ago yesterday during the dinner toast we announced that Tristan was going to be a big brother. It was such a hard journey to become pregnant and it was finally time to announce the news we had been praying so hard for. This year I got to look at my boys, my family and thank god that he answered our prayers. This year I was thankful beyond my dreams. But I also was sad because there are so many people out there that haven't had their prayers answered yet. I pray everyday for these people but today I pray harder with a heavy heart as I reflect on the blessing that we were able to announce 1 year ago this Thanksgiving.

On A softer note, are you venturing out this black Friday?? We are this afternoon. Call us crazy but we do every year. We more look forward to the movie prices and since blue rays are going to be super cheap today we are taking advantage because we can't really afford them any other time. So have fun and be safe if you are. When I say be safe I mean be careful that no one tramples over you or knocks you over the head with a basket. Because folks, it does happen!

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