Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tristan is 5 months today!

Can you believe it!? Tristan is already 5 months! I really can't believe he is that old already. As of yesterday he is rolling from back to tummy so he is now rolling all over the place. This means we have to start being way more alert of what he is doing because he is not so stationary anymore. It's so neat though because it just happened out of nowhere. He has been eating sweat potatoes this week and he likes that way more than squash. I can't blame him from the smell alone. So after this week I am thinking about making some green beans for him. I don't know how much he will like that but we'll see I guess. After that I will probably try some fruits and then start mixing some things. Oh, I think he might have a tooth coming through too. Not to sure if what I am feeling is a tooth or not but i feel a little bump that I don't think was there before on the top left side of his gums. I guess we will see soon if I am right. We of course have taken more pictures of him. I will try and upload them later on tonight. If not, definitely tomorrow!

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