Thursday, December 23, 2010

I lied

I said I would be a better blogger and I haven't posted in 2 weeks. The truth is, I haven't had much time these last couple of weeks to do anything at all except for do my holiday baking and take care of the boys. My holiday baking is finally done though and now all I have to do is get this house super clean by Christmas because we are hosting again this year. I love hosting but that means I am super busy around this time. So I guess I am popping on to tell you why I am absent. But hey, I bet the same thing is the case with you, right? This time of year is so crazy. You prepare for weeks and stress overall that needs to be done. On the go all the time and then once the 25Th passes it is eerily silent. Like listening to snow fall on a quiet morning. It all just abruptly ends and I don't know about you, but it is almost depressing. You go back to being holed up in your house for the winter and make your plans for when the weather gets warmer. At least that's how it is for most people I know. So right now I am cherishing this wonderful, crazy, stressful bliss. Because it will be over soon and then I will be little sad...and bored.

On another note, I want to say congrats to a fellow blogger Summer for finally getting her BFP! She is 7 weeks pregnant and deserves this so much after 2 years of trying, after an etopic pregnancy resulting in the loss of her tube and I think 5 failed IVFs. Summer just recently has been trying to recover from her last failed IVF and death of her father and got pregnant naturally. This is such an amazing Christmas blessing and I pray the Brownies have a wonderful pregnancy because...they deserve this. Congrats Brownies! You have made my month! Nothing makes me happier than a fellow infertile getting that beautiful BFP.

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