Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Small Plastic Toy alert

For those who don't know, I am a huge Web Md junkie. I love the site and belong to the message boards so I learn about all kinds of little tid bits. This was the latest alert on Soft Plastic Toys and I just wanted to pass it along.

Anyone know how to tell if a toy has lead paint on it? I am starting to get nervous about this because Tristan is now really starting to get into toys and they keep saying don't buy toys with lead. How do you know??? I mean does the toy have a sign on it that says "attention, I am made with lead paint". Kidding of course! That would really make things so much easier though.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Hey Tabatha!

Just stopped by and saw your header! It looks great!!! If you need anymore help don't hesitate to ask!!
