Well I wanted to do some updates this past weekend but things have been busy , busy, busy. Let's see, 2 weekends ago we went to my dads work Christmas party. It would of been more fun if Tristan didn't refuse to take a nap the whole day. We went there at 2p and he had no nap at all. Can you say FUN! He was soooo cranky and if you looked at him the wrong way he would start crying. They had Santa there and I already knew in his moody state it would not be a sucess. Surprisingly enough he didn't cry right away. He just looked at him at first and then the tears started flowing. I really think this was only because of his tiredness. He got a nice toy from Santa though and he really likes it. So do the cats too! There is a couple of pictures of him with Santa below. My dad has some more and I put them on my computer but I haven't uploaded them yet so I will do that soon.
This last week has been a SUPER eventful one and a big milestone week for Tristan. Lets see I think I said before that he is sitting up on his own from a laying down position...well now he is full blown crawling all over the place! And he is pulling up on furniture and standing all by himself and starting to cruise! This kid is really mobile now! Now that he can stand on his own (with the assistance from the furniture) he will stand there forever just babling away. And now he is trying to climb anything and everything. He has climbed one step(the gate is coming out!), us, and a couple of toys. It's nice because I can just put him on the floor and let him play for a while with out having to pick him up and put him back into the sitting position. I think he will start to be a lot more independant now that he can do more on his own. He always wanted to be held becasue he couldn't get around and he didn't like stationary toys that well such as a bouncy seat. He loved the Mega Saucer until he learned he can crawl. If I put him in it now he tries to climb out of it. Now that he is standing on his own though it does bring one down fall. He wakes up in the middle of the night and usually cries for a quick second and goes back to sleep. Well now when he wakes up the first thing he does is stand up and cry or stand up and munch on his crib. The other morning I literally listened to him chew on his crib for 10 minutes before I figured out what was going on in there. So he can't put himself back to sleep since he is just standing there and screaming.I now have to go get a crib rail protector and figure out how to get him to self sooth himself back to sleep again. Back to square one again! I really can't believe how much he is changing. I think he has a handful of teeth that are coming in as well. They are still under the gums but I can feel and see the bumps so I know they are coming. Plus the last 2 nights he really hasn't slept at all...which meens I haven't slept either! I'm starting to think he will have all his teeth by a year old! Kidding of course!
This weekend will be another super busy one. We have our family Christmas pictures/Tristan's 9 month pictures this Friday, I am making Christmas cookies with Theresa on Saturday (this will be our 3rd or 4th year doing this), I HAVE to go see my Grandma because she just flew in today and I miss her soooo much, take Tristan to Bass Pro Shop to see Santa (they have free pictures with santa and a 3500 sq ft childrens play land there parents!), make my chocolate covered pretzels, chex mix, ranch Crackers, do my last minute shopping, and take Tristan to his 9 month apt on monday. So much to do between Friday and Christmas Eve! I'm sure Tristan won't let me do it all either but I know Ken will help either watch Tristan or maybe I can con him into helping me do the pretzels instead of just eating them! It's so much to do but all so fun at the same time. I love the holdidays and will be sad when it's all over. Ok, this was my big update. I still have some pictures in my camera that I will try and upload Friday. I shouldn't have a lot to update then but I will have more pictures. Hope everyone is having a wonderful stress free holiday! Me, I don't know how NOT to stress anytime of the year!
This last week has been a SUPER eventful one and a big milestone week for Tristan. Lets see I think I said before that he is sitting up on his own from a laying down position...well now he is full blown crawling all over the place! And he is pulling up on furniture and standing all by himself and starting to cruise! This kid is really mobile now! Now that he can stand on his own (with the assistance from the furniture) he will stand there forever just babling away. And now he is trying to climb anything and everything. He has climbed one step(the gate is coming out!), us, and a couple of toys. It's nice because I can just put him on the floor and let him play for a while with out having to pick him up and put him back into the sitting position. I think he will start to be a lot more independant now that he can do more on his own. He always wanted to be held becasue he couldn't get around and he didn't like stationary toys that well such as a bouncy seat. He loved the Mega Saucer until he learned he can crawl. If I put him in it now he tries to climb out of it. Now that he is standing on his own though it does bring one down fall. He wakes up in the middle of the night and usually cries for a quick second and goes back to sleep. Well now when he wakes up the first thing he does is stand up and cry or stand up and munch on his crib. The other morning I literally listened to him chew on his crib for 10 minutes before I figured out what was going on in there. So he can't put himself back to sleep since he is just standing there and screaming.I now have to go get a crib rail protector and figure out how to get him to self sooth himself back to sleep again. Back to square one again! I really can't believe how much he is changing. I think he has a handful of teeth that are coming in as well. They are still under the gums but I can feel and see the bumps so I know they are coming. Plus the last 2 nights he really hasn't slept at all...which meens I haven't slept either! I'm starting to think he will have all his teeth by a year old! Kidding of course!
This weekend will be another super busy one. We have our family Christmas pictures/Tristan's 9 month pictures this Friday, I am making Christmas cookies with Theresa on Saturday (this will be our 3rd or 4th year doing this), I HAVE to go see my Grandma because she just flew in today and I miss her soooo much, take Tristan to Bass Pro Shop to see Santa (they have free pictures with santa and a 3500 sq ft childrens play land there parents!), make my chocolate covered pretzels, chex mix, ranch Crackers, do my last minute shopping, and take Tristan to his 9 month apt on monday. So much to do between Friday and Christmas Eve! I'm sure Tristan won't let me do it all either but I know Ken will help either watch Tristan or maybe I can con him into helping me do the pretzels instead of just eating them! It's so much to do but all so fun at the same time. I love the holdidays and will be sad when it's all over. Ok, this was my big update. I still have some pictures in my camera that I will try and upload Friday. I shouldn't have a lot to update then but I will have more pictures. Hope everyone is having a wonderful stress free holiday! Me, I don't know how NOT to stress anytime of the year!
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