Friday, November 21, 2008

I've been a bad blogger!

Sooooo, Tristan is 8 months old today!!!! Can you believe it!!! I can't. And I know, I know...I have been a horrible blogger these days! I have been really sick for over a week now and I can't really take anything. The things that are approved to take for breastfeeding moms can really affect your milk supply and my milk supply hasn't been the best and I need everything that I produce so I have been living off cough drops. I am getting better though and apologize for not updating.
I want to start off by saying that if there was a Dad of the Year award or Husband of the Year Award, I would definitely have to nominate Ken. He has been beyond wonderful. Ever since Tristan has been born he has cooked, cleaned, done all the laundry to make sure that I keep up with Tristan and breastfeeding. Who knows if I would have been able to keep up breastfeeding if it wasn't for Ken. And for that me and Tristan are truly thankful. He is always there to help with the baby (not that he shouldn't know how guys can be!). He never complains about doing anything around the house, changes just as many diapers as I do, and we have BOTH given Tristan every single bath that he has had. Pretty amazing huh, being that is 8 months old now. I guess you could say giving Tristan a bath has turned into family bonding time. I just feel that I have to give Ken the credit he deserves because he is such and amazing husband and daddy! Ok, on to Tristan...

Wow is he changing. He is blowing raspberry's like crazy, babbling up a storm, says mamama(even though I don't think he knows what it means yet), he has his top two teeth now (In case your counting...that's four teeth now!), rolling to everywhere (and I mean every inch of the room!), Interacting with the cats and dog by petting them, pulling there tails, and laughing at them, and is on his way to crawling. Now by that I mean he is starting to get on all fours and rock a little. He isn't staying on all fours yet because he has learned that if he wants to get somewhere to just roll on over there (he's no dummy!) so he is being a little lazy on the crawling. He is really almost there though. I am not pushing this because I know once he starts going I will never stop chasing him. He is really starting to interact with toys a lot more. Instead of putting every single toy in his mouth he is learning how they work. Now don't get me wrong...everything still goes in the mouth, but he is learning how each toys buttons and levers work. It's so neat to watch his mind at work! The things he really likes to play with these days though is the remote (such a guy!), wipes container, and his empty bottles. Sometimes these are the only things that calm him down. That and the fish. He LOVES to watch our big orange Parrot fish swimming around. It really cracks him up to say the least. I am just so amazed every day how much he is changing. He is always talking up a storm (in baby talk of course!) so I am hoping he will be a social butterfly and not be shy. He loves, loves, loves to smile. And even more than that he loves when you smile at him and sing to him. I really need to get up on my kids songs because I have been singing a lot of mommy made up songs to him. he doesn't seem to mind though.
Size ways, I'm not too sure how much he weighs. He hasn't been to the doctor in 2 months but I am hoping he has hit 16 or 17lbs by now. He is still in 3-6 months but I am thinking he will be in 6-9 months by Christmas if not soon after. A ton of people have been asking what size to buy for Christmas so I thought I would say it here as well. I would buy 6-9 months or bigger. If he is still in 3-6 months then he doesn't need that size. I have already bought too much in 3-6 months.
Some new foods he has eaten is carrots, mangoes, papaya, and Zucchini. he has loved them all. i pray that he won't be as picky as me in the food department. I still eat extremely plain and I want so bad for him to have a bigger taste palate. I think we will try chicken breast for the first time this weekend and maybe some rice. We'll see how that purees. We have also started Gerber puffs with him. He seems to like them but play more than anything. It's so funny to watch because he will hold it the entire time in his hand and start crunching on it with all four teeth.
Well I think that's about it for now. As you see I have been playing around with my blog design. I made the header with photoshop and some digital scrapbook stuff I have bought. I still have a lot of tweaking with the background and sidebar but I have to have time to figure out the HTML code first. I have to thank Jen at for helping with all the tweaking. I will be working on it more when I have time. Ok, baby is screaming for me so that's all for me!

PS. I will upload pictures a little later so check back later today or tomorrow. I don't have a ton but I do have some.

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