Thursday, June 18, 2009
Quick note...
A couple people have asked me about the song on my page. The song is "County Road" by Jack Johnson and Paula Fuga. It's amazing! If you didn't know, Jack Johnson is a Hawaii native and so is Paula Fuga. The song can be purchased at or through itunes. The proceeds benefit Native Hawaiian Culturally Based Charter Schools. I am really liking Paula Fuga's music as well. Her C.D can be purchased on or through itunes as well. I think I might be ordering it off of itunes soon!
Happy 4th Anniversary to us!
OK, WARNING: This is probably going to be a long post as I have been busy and slacker blogger lately. A few of my online gals have been hounding me so it's going to be a long update I think...First things first. We are in the new house and totally LOVING it. As of right now we have gotten the living room, dining room, and Tristan's bedroom painted. I want to thank Mary and Chelsea for helping us paint until 1a the night before we moved. You guys are awesome! I also want to thank our movers Mom, Jim, Theresa, Mike, Billy, and Chelsea. We appreciate your help so much! This weekend we have to get the basement painted and the bathroom and we should be done with painting. It has been busy, busy, busy! We still need to unpack the bedrooms and a lot of random stuff in the basement. We just got our bedroom furniture and just painted Tristan's room painted Sunday night so we didn't want to unpack up there just yet. As soon as basement is done we will unpack everything down there and get our super cool music themed room set up. Well, we are hoping it's super cool anyway! After this weekend my goal is to start working on the yard. The previous owners did SO much work and remodeled everything inside and out, but they didn't keep up the yard at all so it needs some major TLC. The grass is dying everywhere and it is weed city in the backyard. Ken says when he sprays the yard with weed killer all the so called grass will be gone too because it's mostly weeds. Then I want to get some flowers planted at least out front. Kens parents were nice enough to give us a lawn mower and a couple of shovels and rakes to get us started. Now I just have to get a hose and a big shed to hold yard stuff and table and chair sets during the winter. The previous owners tore down the garage :( SO that's what is on the agenda for right now. I did notice the weekend that we moved in that there is no sidewalks on either side of the street. I am so sad about this. I can't really take Tristan for a walk or teach him how to ride a bike on our street. So I am working on getting him an outdoor playhouse. I think I might get him this one because there is so much to do on it and he can grow with it. Plus it is on major sale at Meijers through the end of July! Score!

I think it looks fun anyway! He LOVES to be outside and there is not much to do out there right now so we are working on making it a fun place to be.
Speaking of my little man, he is loving the new house. He can walk everywhere downstairs and that keeps him busy all day. That and he chases the cats and dog around with the cat wand. He hasn't really played with his toys much. Running around the house and chasing the animals has kept him very busy. I think he likes the freedom. No more being locked in a small cramped living room. It cracks me up to watch him running back and forth and laughing so hard over god knows what. I think he has also hit a major growth spurt. Finally! He seems so much longer and weighs more. At least it feels like it. He hasn't really had any huge growth spurts so it is about time. He is also getting 2 molars in at the same time. Yes I said 2! The past 2 nights he was crying in his crib off and on until 10:30p. I feel so bad for him. But he hasn't gotten any teeth since December so he is definitely due to get some more. So now he has 8. Lets see, what else??? He is an amazing eater. There is nothing this kid won't eat. Lately he has been on a strawberry kick. Ken was eating a salad with french dressing the other day and gave him a bite and he loved it. I am so proud as I am still as picky as I was when I was a kid. I wish I liked more foods, especially salad. But I will settle for having a child that likes everything. He eats so much too. I seriously think he could out eat many 5 year olds. It's amazing that he is so small. He either just has a fast metabolism, runs off all this food, or it has something to do with us giving him no sweets at all and giving him all fresh veggies and fruits. Oh and no juice. He is so much fun though and I can't wait to see what summer brings. I hear the Zoo has finally re-opened their new and amazing petting zoo so hopefully we can get to that soon. Although, I hope every animal there is prepared to be called "kiiiiy" (kitty) by Tristan!
One of my last things for this post is, today me and Ken have been married for 4 years!!! I can't believe it! Time goes so fast. Each year that passes has been more amazing than the one before it and I thank god all the time that I found Ken. It amazes me that we have been together almost 7 years and I love him more and more every day. I think next year for our 5th anniversary we will have a huge party and have Kens friends band play. They are "The Sanderlings", and they are amazing. They will be at the Cherry Fest this weekend (as will we be to see them on Friday :) and they play at Pizza Papalis downtown all the time. They also played at the Glass City Marathon if you were downtown then. They play mostly cover songs at these venues that were hits from the 70's-90's and sound great. We LOVE their original music the best though. If you want to check them out and hear their own music you can go here: Gotta get out the word and promote the guys since they are so awesome! Ken's friend is Jon. He went to High School with him and he is the drummer. They just recently got back in contact since high school.

The Band - They have So much fun up there!

Ken's friend Jon
OK, so I think that is about it. We just decided that we are going to have our housewarming party on July 4Th. It's more of a kick off the summer, celebrate me and Kens Birthday, 4Th Anniversary, we just bought a new house, reason to throw a party, party. this was the only weekend that seemed feasible because there is already something going on most weekends this summer and we didn't want to wait until the end of summer. We want to kick off the summer! So I will try and get invites mailed out this Friday. I still have to make them so I need to get my butt in gear! Haven't had no time to sit on the computer though. They will get out though, I promise!
OK, I think I am coming to the end to my extremely long blog post. Haven't posted in a while and had a lot of updates though. I want to say happy begining of the summer to everyone. There is so much stuff going on in the city so I hope everyone gets out and enjoys it. I am excited about the Farmers Markets. Do you guys go to the Farmers Market's? I never really went to one until last year when Tristan started eating solids and I started making my own baby food. They are awesome though and everything is so cheap and so much better. There is one at Elder Beerman every Wednesday at Westgate and I just noticed yesterday while on my lunch that they have started back up for the season. They are right in front of my work so I know where I will be next wednesday at lunch time! Perfect time for me to buy my flowers and get Tristan some yummy fruit from the locals! Ok, I leave you with a few pictures. I will get detailed pics of the house as soon as everything is set up and done being painted. Lots of people have asked but I want everything to be done first. I will show you the outside though. This was taken before we bought it by the sellers. Hopefully I will have some flowers soon!

I have a prayer request. I have two friends who could really use some prayers regarding their kids. First, my friend Sylvia had her baby boy Jess about a month or so ago and he was 5 weeks early. She just found out that he needs heart surgery. He has 2 Heart defects: Ventricular Septal Defect & Pulmonary Valve Stenosis(narrowing in pulm. valve). Its a matter of time the doc said, when he needs it. I guess the valve wont fix itself & that's what he needs surgery on. Please pray for them. She is going through a hard time right now and is really feeling the ol' sang "When it rains it poors". My second prayer request is for one of my online friends from a private message board PAFC (Pregnancy after fertility challenges). Her twins were born last Tuesday. Her daughter has already come home but her son is only taking half of the bottles he should be so they are trying to correct the problem in the hospital. They are hoping he comes home next week and I ask that we pray thats what happens so he can be with his sister and big brother. "Lord please keep these babies strong during these dificult times."
I think it looks fun anyway! He LOVES to be outside and there is not much to do out there right now so we are working on making it a fun place to be.
Speaking of my little man, he is loving the new house. He can walk everywhere downstairs and that keeps him busy all day. That and he chases the cats and dog around with the cat wand. He hasn't really played with his toys much. Running around the house and chasing the animals has kept him very busy. I think he likes the freedom. No more being locked in a small cramped living room. It cracks me up to watch him running back and forth and laughing so hard over god knows what. I think he has also hit a major growth spurt. Finally! He seems so much longer and weighs more. At least it feels like it. He hasn't really had any huge growth spurts so it is about time. He is also getting 2 molars in at the same time. Yes I said 2! The past 2 nights he was crying in his crib off and on until 10:30p. I feel so bad for him. But he hasn't gotten any teeth since December so he is definitely due to get some more. So now he has 8. Lets see, what else??? He is an amazing eater. There is nothing this kid won't eat. Lately he has been on a strawberry kick. Ken was eating a salad with french dressing the other day and gave him a bite and he loved it. I am so proud as I am still as picky as I was when I was a kid. I wish I liked more foods, especially salad. But I will settle for having a child that likes everything. He eats so much too. I seriously think he could out eat many 5 year olds. It's amazing that he is so small. He either just has a fast metabolism, runs off all this food, or it has something to do with us giving him no sweets at all and giving him all fresh veggies and fruits. Oh and no juice. He is so much fun though and I can't wait to see what summer brings. I hear the Zoo has finally re-opened their new and amazing petting zoo so hopefully we can get to that soon. Although, I hope every animal there is prepared to be called "kiiiiy" (kitty) by Tristan!
One of my last things for this post is, today me and Ken have been married for 4 years!!! I can't believe it! Time goes so fast. Each year that passes has been more amazing than the one before it and I thank god all the time that I found Ken. It amazes me that we have been together almost 7 years and I love him more and more every day. I think next year for our 5th anniversary we will have a huge party and have Kens friends band play. They are "The Sanderlings", and they are amazing. They will be at the Cherry Fest this weekend (as will we be to see them on Friday :) and they play at Pizza Papalis downtown all the time. They also played at the Glass City Marathon if you were downtown then. They play mostly cover songs at these venues that were hits from the 70's-90's and sound great. We LOVE their original music the best though. If you want to check them out and hear their own music you can go here: Gotta get out the word and promote the guys since they are so awesome! Ken's friend is Jon. He went to High School with him and he is the drummer. They just recently got back in contact since high school.
The Band - They have So much fun up there!
Ken's friend Jon
OK, so I think that is about it. We just decided that we are going to have our housewarming party on July 4Th. It's more of a kick off the summer, celebrate me and Kens Birthday, 4Th Anniversary, we just bought a new house, reason to throw a party, party. this was the only weekend that seemed feasible because there is already something going on most weekends this summer and we didn't want to wait until the end of summer. We want to kick off the summer! So I will try and get invites mailed out this Friday. I still have to make them so I need to get my butt in gear! Haven't had no time to sit on the computer though. They will get out though, I promise!
OK, I think I am coming to the end to my extremely long blog post. Haven't posted in a while and had a lot of updates though. I want to say happy begining of the summer to everyone. There is so much stuff going on in the city so I hope everyone gets out and enjoys it. I am excited about the Farmers Markets. Do you guys go to the Farmers Market's? I never really went to one until last year when Tristan started eating solids and I started making my own baby food. They are awesome though and everything is so cheap and so much better. There is one at Elder Beerman every Wednesday at Westgate and I just noticed yesterday while on my lunch that they have started back up for the season. They are right in front of my work so I know where I will be next wednesday at lunch time! Perfect time for me to buy my flowers and get Tristan some yummy fruit from the locals! Ok, I leave you with a few pictures. I will get detailed pics of the house as soon as everything is set up and done being painted. Lots of people have asked but I want everything to be done first. I will show you the outside though. This was taken before we bought it by the sellers. Hopefully I will have some flowers soon!
I have a prayer request. I have two friends who could really use some prayers regarding their kids. First, my friend Sylvia had her baby boy Jess about a month or so ago and he was 5 weeks early. She just found out that he needs heart surgery. He has 2 Heart defects: Ventricular Septal Defect & Pulmonary Valve Stenosis(narrowing in pulm. valve). Its a matter of time the doc said, when he needs it. I guess the valve wont fix itself & that's what he needs surgery on. Please pray for them. She is going through a hard time right now and is really feeling the ol' sang "When it rains it poors". My second prayer request is for one of my online friends from a private message board PAFC (Pregnancy after fertility challenges). Her twins were born last Tuesday. Her daughter has already come home but her son is only taking half of the bottles he should be so they are trying to correct the problem in the hospital. They are hoping he comes home next week and I ask that we pray thats what happens so he can be with his sister and big brother. "Lord please keep these babies strong during these dificult times."
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