I have been such a horrible blogger. I haven't blogged in over a month. January was a very boring and exhausting month for us. I know that sounds contradicting so let me explain. It was exhausting because it took us weeks to get Tristan back on a normal sleeping schedule after Christmas. Note to self: DO NOT take him off of his normal schedule under no circumstances! I was up with him every hour or two for a few weeks and on top of it he wasn't taking good naps. I was a walking zombie for a while there. The last thing I wanted to do was come home and get on the computer after being on it all day at work. Now January was boring because It was so cold and snowy that we didn't leave the house unless absolutely necessary. That and so many people were sick we were trying to quarantine ourselves so none of us would get sick. It worked! None of us got sick at all! There was no milestones for Tristan so the month of January was all together boring. I spent most of the month just reading.
Now this month Tristan has started some new stuff. All with in a week Tristan began to clap, wave bye, and just really discover what his hands can do. He is learning how things fit together. Like for instance, he learned that his ball from his Busy Ball Popper can fit into the sub woofer hole. How fun was that! It took Ken a bit to get it out but it did come out. He has learned the exact button that opens the DVD player so now we have a plastic guard on it. He doesn't watch TV at all but he knows what the remote does. He hold the remote and presses the buttons looking at the TV. Lets see, what else??? He loves to take his socks off and pet Milo, Zoe, and Emmitt. He says Kitty but can't get him to say doggie, He thinks that Emmitt is a kitty too. He is cruising super fast these days. He actually can stand all by himself when he doesn't realize it. We have caught him standing playing with a toy without holding on to anything but as soon as he realizes what he's doing he sits down real quick. When we try to help him he flops around like a jelly fish. He is just absorbing so much these days. He grabbed a wipe the other day and started wiping his head like he was in the bath tub. It was too cute! He is on all table foods at this point. I still puree some avocados and fruit sometimes just because he loves it so much but he has been eating what we eat. Even though he is still very tiny, he is a very good eater. He loves to eat! I think we are coming close to changing him to 6-9 months clothes. He has gotten a lot of use from his clothes but I can't wait to put him in all his cute outfits he got for Christmas.
Well, I think that's all I can think of for right now. We are all doing good and have stayed healthy (aside from a runny nose that Tristan had this weekend). We are planing Tristan's 1st Birthday party right now. Can you believe it! I will send the invites out at the begining of March but it will be Sunday March 22nd at Walbridge park Hall (same place as my shower). They were booked on his actual birthday so I had to settle for the day after. Probably around noon or 1p but I'm not too sure yet. I will update more frequently since the "January Blues" is gone and Tristan is learning so much these days.