I said at the end of the summer that we were going to start shopping even earlier this year due to our newly acquired mortgage payments. Somehow it is December 2nd and we only have 2 presents bought. Me and Ken have had nasty colds so we only have the Christmas tree up and no other decorations yet. We are seriously slacking here! How is it already December? How is my baby only 3 months away from turning 2? It is so true what they say, the older you get, the faster time flies. So how is everyone else doing with your Holiday shopping and decorating? Did it sneak up on you like it did on me? This is my favorite time of year but jeez....can it slow down a bit!
On a side note. I was asked by our dear friends Mike and Deana to take their wedding photos since their photographer fell through. I am in NO WAY a professional photographer and yes they knew this. I had a lot of fun though especially since I always wanted to become a photographer. I only have a semi-professional camera but it makes me want to pursue this a little more. Here is litterally a couple of pics from the wedding on 11/21/09. I have hundreds more to edit this weekend but I wanted to show you how beautiful the bride was. If you click on the pics you can get larger better view of them. They are uploading darker for some reason too.

Wasn't she a gorgeous bride?

Excited to now be a wife to Mike

Seriously, how cute is Mike and Deana's
Daughter Brooke??

Married at the Valentine Theater

I don't know why these are coming out darker on here...

Mike and his beautiful daughter Brooke.
All she wanted was Daddy before the wedding.

The guys, yes Ken was a groomsmen. This is still
needs to be lightened up.