I'm sorry I haven't posted in a few weeks. things have been kind of crazy lately. Our neice came in from Florida for 10 days at the end of September and ever since then we have all been sick on and off.
Ok, lets see, where to start...Tristan will be 7 months old tomorrow. We are still exclusivley breastfeeding and that is going great. I just noticed that his top 2 teeth will be popping through any day now. He wasn't to happy all weekend so I didnt have time to post then either. That will make 4 teeth when these come through! It seems that he is going to have a tougher time with these top to teeth though because he didn't sleep at all on Saturday night. Poor guy :( He is changing so much these days. He is liking tummy time now (what a relief!) and is actually putting himself on his tummy from the sitting possition. He tries to crawl but hasn't figured out that he has to get on all fours yet. I'm not going to rush it since he just recently has tolerated being on his tummy. He likes to pull himself up into the standing possition when he is sitting in your lap and loves to walk assisted. I'm telling you, this kid just wants to go, go, go! I can't even get him to sit still anymore because he wants to walk or crawl away and gets mad because he can't do that yet. He is also standing assisted against the couch and bigger toys. Not super steady yet to where he is cruising but any day now. We have noticed once he starts to try to do something he will have it mastered very soon after. He is a very determaned baby!
We took him to the Pumkin path on Saturday in Erie, Mi. He was more interested in looking around than anything but it was fun to take him there. I have pictures of that and tons more that I haven't shared yet. Since there is so many I'm not going to uplaod them onto a slide show, I will just post the link. Here is a preview though! I will try to be much better on posting updates!
Click here to see more pictures!http://s163.photobucket.com/albums/t308/tborek/October%20upload/?albumview=grid