Well Tristan is finally getting some teeth! I had fed him dinner and he usually sucks on the spoon but this time I had a harder time pulling it out. I couldn't figure out what he was doing different. Well I went to make some avocado for the next days dinner and since he had already eaten dinner I just put some on my finger to see if he liked it. Well I was surprised to feel a sharp little tooth. It is just at the surface but its coming through. I guess that's why I had a hard time pulling the spoon out. I am so excited! I never realized how exciting it would be for Tristan to get his first teeth. I keep trying to get him to show me but he is always sticking his tongue out so its really hard to see. We are getting his 6 month pictures done in a couple of weeks and I hope they are up by then so we can see them in his pictures. It's crazy, all with in a couple of weeks he is sitting completely on his own and getting teeth. My how the time flies.
I fed him Avocado for the first time last night and he absolutely loved it. He whined every time I took the spoon away to get more. I couldn't shovel it in his mouth fast enough! So far Avocados and Green Beans are his favorite. He has been such a great eater so far and I really hope it stays like that. I would really hate for him to be a picky eater like his mom! I will probably make pears or bananas next and see how that goes.
Oh, I will try and post some more pictures in the next day or two. We got some cute ones of him in his Ohio State apparel. As soon as it gets chilly he will be wearing his Cowboys Tony Romo shirt. Cant wait!