Wednesday, August 27, 2008
ABC's Extreme Makeover is Coming to Toledo!

Friday, August 22, 2008
Some more pictures...
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tristan is 5 months today!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
A quick apology...
Friday, August 15, 2008
Almost sitting...
We have been trying to get him to sit on his own. He will for about a second, maybe two and then falls over. If he wasn't so concerned with sucking on his hands I think he could do it. I think he will be doing on his own in no time. He is almost rolling from back to tummy too. He almost gets completely over and then turns back to his back. So for right now he his just rolling tummy to back consistently. We have been putting him on his back on a blanket on the floor so I think soon he will master rolling all over the place in no time. Right now his first priority is to get his feet in his hands and mouth though. It really cracks me up because not that long ago he wasn't doing anything. Now he is grabbing toys, rolling, standing with assistance, and baby talking. It's so amazing how each day changes. I wake up everyday thinking to myself "what will today bring and what will Tristan discover today". Here are some more pictures. These are from the last week. As you can see, we cant stop taking pictures of him. I also have to share this one of Milo, Zoe, and Emmitt. Somehow Ken got them in a picture all looking at the camera.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
New Pictures
We tried squash last night and it was a no go. He didn't really care for it much. I think it was to strong of a food compared to milk and cereal. We will try slowly though and see how it goes. That's all for now!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Well I finally got some pictures uploaded that I wanted to get up earlier this week. Tristan is eating cereal pretty good now and is actually eating a whole tablespoon and wanting more. I made up some squash today(I'm making my own baby food) and we will try that for the first time for dinner today. We'll see if he likes that as much. He just needs to learn how to use his tongue to push the food back. We're almost there though! Here are some cute messy pictures of him eating!
Fun with Daddy
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Someone has a lot to say now...
This past weekend was quite eventful as well. Tristan has yelled maybe 3 times ever where we thought he might start to baby talk a little but it was only one syllable and that was it. Well all the sudden during dinner on Sunday he just started babbling like crazy out of nowhere. He was just talking away as if he's been doing it forever. It was really funny and he wouldn't stop. Now he is doing it non-stop. He apparently has a lot to say these days! We were next door so I ran home real quick and got the video camera. As soon as Ken gets the video uploaded I will share it.
On Sunday he also took cereal for the first time to where he actually opened his mouth for me. He didn't seem interested at first so I thought maybe I should stop but I gave him one more bite and he started to open up for me. I got a couple of pictures that are really cute of him eating that I will upload today or tomorrow. Here is a couple that I got off my camera phone for now. They aren't good quality but it will do until I can get the good ones up.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Come on Rover....roll over!

Randy Pausch..."The Last Lecture"
You can watch the Abc special on his website
If you were interested in this you might like this little article that someone wrote and the replies it got: