I said I would be a better blogger and I haven't posted in 2 weeks. The truth is, I haven't had much time these last couple of weeks to do anything at all except for do my holiday baking and take care of the boys. My holiday baking is finally done though and now all I have to do is get this house super clean by Christmas because we are hosting again this year. I love hosting but that means I am super busy around this time. So I guess I am popping on to tell you why I am absent. But hey, I bet the same thing is the case with you, right? This time of year is so crazy. You prepare for weeks and stress overall that needs to be done. On the go all the time and then once the 25Th passes it is eerily silent. Like listening to snow fall on a quiet morning. It all just abruptly ends and I don't know about you, but it is almost depressing. You go back to being holed up in your house for the winter and make your plans for when the weather gets warmer. At least that's how it is for most people I know. So right now I am cherishing this wonderful, crazy, stressful bliss. Because it will be over soon and then I will be little sad...and bored.
On another note, I want to say congrats to a fellow blogger Summer for finally getting her BFP! She is 7 weeks pregnant and deserves this so much after 2 years of trying, after an etopic pregnancy resulting in the loss of her tube and I think 5 failed IVFs. Summer just recently has been trying to recover from her last failed IVF and death of her father and got pregnant naturally. This is such an amazing Christmas blessing and I pray the Brownies have a wonderful pregnancy because...they deserve this. Congrats Brownies! You have made my month! Nothing makes me happier than a fellow infertile getting that beautiful BFP.
Random Ramblings of my life
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Am I living in the stone age??
Am I the only one out there who doesn't have a smart phone and doesn't want one at all? Please tell me because I am starting to feel that way. Everyone I know has a smartphone or Android...including my dad! I am starting to wonder if I am the only one out there not made of money. I mean these things have a $30 a month data/internet plan on top of the already expensive phone plan and texting. Thats riduculous! A couple of people have told me recently that they "need" it for school or work. Need? Really? They haven't even been around for the mass public that long so what did you do before they came out. There is no way I am going to pay $30 for internet at home and $30 for internet on a phone. There is nothing that is that important for me to look up when out that justifies paying $30 a month, or $360 a year. I didn't used to be the only one who felt this way but I am having a hard time finding anyone who doesn't have a smartphone these days. I guess I am just having a really hard time wrapping my mind around this when the economy is so bad. Don't get me wrong, it's cool all the things you can do from a phone now. But I don't feel the price justifies it. Feel free to chime in whether you agree with me or not. I would love to hear other opinions on this.
On the same subject, what age should a child be given a cell phone? Just curious what others opinions are on this. And no, I am not thinking about getting Tristan a cell phone. I have been seeing very young kids with cell phones lately and I wanted to hear others thoughts on this.
On the same subject, what age should a child be given a cell phone? Just curious what others opinions are on this. And no, I am not thinking about getting Tristan a cell phone. I have been seeing very young kids with cell phones lately and I wanted to hear others thoughts on this.
Friday, November 26, 2010
I just wanted to pop on today and say that I hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We spent ours with Kens family and I reflected on how lucky we are. One year ago yesterday during the dinner toast we announced that Tristan was going to be a big brother. It was such a hard journey to become pregnant and it was finally time to announce the news we had been praying so hard for. This year I got to look at my boys, my family and thank god that he answered our prayers. This year I was thankful beyond my dreams. But I also was sad because there are so many people out there that haven't had their prayers answered yet. I pray everyday for these people but today I pray harder with a heavy heart as I reflect on the blessing that we were able to announce 1 year ago this Thanksgiving.
On A softer note, are you venturing out this black Friday?? We are this afternoon. Call us crazy but we do every year. We more look forward to the movie prices and since blue rays are going to be super cheap today we are taking advantage because we can't really afford them any other time. So have fun and be safe if you are. When I say be safe I mean be careful that no one tramples over you or knocks you over the head with a basket. Because folks, it does happen!
On A softer note, are you venturing out this black Friday?? We are this afternoon. Call us crazy but we do every year. We more look forward to the movie prices and since blue rays are going to be super cheap today we are taking advantage because we can't really afford them any other time. So have fun and be safe if you are. When I say be safe I mean be careful that no one tramples over you or knocks you over the head with a basket. Because folks, it does happen!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The gift of giving from Shutterfly!
Is it really Christmas card time again? I feel like it was just yesterday I was down stairs on the computer making our Christmas card on Adobe Photoshop for hours. And yet here it is again. The big difference this year is we have a new addition to add to the card and I don’t have time to be creative this year. I have been a little stressed thinking about where I am going to find the hours to create a card on Photoshop this year. The fact is, I just don’t have the time. I was really excited when a fellow blogger posted that Shutterfly is having a Christmas card give away for bloggers. They are giving 50 free cards out and you can enter here! One thing I like about shutterfly is they are affiliated with Target. So, now that I don't have to use my creativity I have to chose a card. There is so many to chose from though. Here are several of my favorites:

There are a few more I like too. There is so many to chose from that it really makes it hard. I have to decide on how many pictures I want to put on it too. Do I want to do a family and a couple of the kids? Just the kids? No idea! What I do know is that I am very excited to order some Christmas Cards from Shutterfly this year!
Couponing. The new trend
I am trendy. Not in the fashion sense as anyone who knows me will tell you. I don't have too many clothes because having my boys looking cute and trendy is more important to me. Anyway, like I was saying, I am trendy. Since I have returned back to work from maternity leave in September I have jumped on the couponing band waggon. I have noticed it's really a trend lately. A good trend though. I mean anything that saves you money in this economy is a good thing, right? With help from my IRL friend Carol at Coupon lovin mom I started to clip coupons and stack them with store coupons and match them with a sale. Since September I have literally saved hundreds of d0llars. I have scored A LOT of free stuff and even gotten free diapers. But the more I have started to coupon and follow diferent deal seaking blogs, I have noticed that some people aren't abiding by the rules. I'm not sure if it's an ethics issue or actually breaking the law. For instance, if there is an online printable coupon for something that you could get for free at say Rite Aid, how many of the coupon would you print of that? How many is too many? I have been known to print 2-3 of a coupon but there are some people who print 10-20 of a coupon. Is that fair? Especially since a lot of these prints are limited to a certain amount. Free is awesome but how far is taking it too far. Do you think it's fair to clean out a store so the rest of the shoppers can't take advantage of a sale too? I will use chapstick as an example since they had coupons in the sunday paper a month ago for $1 off and also a $2 off 2 and they were on sale for a $1 making it free chapstick. I had two papers so I got 6 chapsticks for free. Way more than I NEEDED so I gave some to my sister who was in need and put some in the diaper bag for the kids. But I have seen a couple of people actually "buy" at least 30 of them. Is that fair? I would be angry if I went to get my chapstick and found the lady ahead of me getting every single one of them. If there were a couple left and she took them all thats one thing, but if you clean out the last 30 or so that is completely wrong in my book and it also seems like coupon abuse. I have also noticed people using coupons for items not included in the coupon INTENTIONALLY. So tell me, is this an ethics issue or coupon fraud? How does it make you feel that there are people out there abusing the coupon system? It makes me very angry because they will ruin it for all of us honest couponers out there. I know this for a fact because Carol has already reported that VD's in Fenton, MI has stopped allowing coupons for coupon abuse and fraud. Just wondering what everyone elses thoughts are on this. I also wanted to make sure you be careful of whose footsteps you follow in because there is a lot of dirty couponing out there and I don't want to see you fined because someone was giving you bad advice.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Where have I been...
Wow, has it really been since Feb since I blogged? I was half way through my pregnancy at the time and raising an almost two year old and I was so incredibly tired. I vowed I would get back to blogging soon because even if no one read my blog (I'm almost sure no one does now) it is an outlet for me. But the months rolled by and I couldn't muster the energy for much and I still had a nursery that wasn't even a little ready for our soon to be baby boy. That nursery actually got painted 2 weeks before he arrived. Anyway, Jonah Reece arrived 2 weeks early and I severely under estimated how busy life would be with a newborn and 2 year old. Tristan was learning what being a two year old was all about and really started talking and exploring the wonderful act of temper tantrums. Jonah discovered that he had colic genes and screamed a lot during his first few months of life. It was a stressful summer. I am honestly telling you that I had no time to get on the computer. Actually, I still find I don't have time to get on the computer when I am home. So my blog fell by the way side. It wasn't too terribly active anyway but it completely dropped off. I really wanted this to be regular when I started it because like I said, it is an outlet for me and a way for me to reflect. I would say now that I am going to keep up with it but I don't want to feel like a failure so I will just say "lets just see how this goes".
So whats new now in my life you ask. Jonah is now 5 months. It's really quite amazing how time flies when you have kids. His colic is now gone. I was worried it would last forever because Tristan had SEVERE colic and he was fussy for most of his first year of life. He is actually still fussy...can a two year old have colic??? Anyway, I am happy to report that Jonah is a very happy boy. He rolls all over the room and can sit all by himself. Although it doesn't last for long because he is always moving around and putting EVERYTHING in his mouth. Did I mention that he has an extraordinary amount of hair? I mean it is ridiculous! Everyone things he is either a girl or much older than he is. We will just let it grow and see what happens. I will post pics soon.
Tristan is 2 yrs 8 months and everyday is an adventure with him. He is talking so much and using 3 and 4 word sentences. Some of the stuff he comes up with really amazes me. He is growing so much too and I really don't think he is behind anymore in his weight and height. I could be wrong but it seems to me that he has really caught up. He has just recently started to lose his baby face :( I definitely have a boy on my hands too because he jumps, climbs, and wrestles all day long. He is so in love with his baby brother and really can't wait until he can play with him. I am so madly in love with these boys. My journey though infertility was worth every heart ache and tear and I would go through all of it and more to have these boys in my life. They are nothing short of amazing. Don't let me forget to mention my amazing husband who cooks every night for us. Seriously ladies, he does. And I don't mean mac n' cheese. He has been really helping me with Jonah these days as far as putting him to sleep too. I know, you don't have to tell me what I already know, I am a very lucky girl.
As far as me, when I am not working, nursing, taking care of the boys, I have been baking and couponing. They are both my new obsessions. This Thanksgiving I will be making pumpkin cupcakes. Some will have Cinnamon butter cream and the others will have pumpkin butter cream. Baking is so rewarding when you have 2 guys in your life who always want to eat your creations. Soon that will be 3 guys to bake for.
That's all I can think of at the moment. I am a bit tired this morning as I get up at 5 am every morning. And on this particular morning I cleaned our bathroom at 5:30a because I can't seem to find any other time to do it no matter what I do. So please excuse me for not being at the top of my game. I will try to be more consistent with my post, more so for myself but we shall see. Actully I will try and post later again today. This post was more of a update in a super small nutshell.
So whats new now in my life you ask. Jonah is now 5 months. It's really quite amazing how time flies when you have kids. His colic is now gone. I was worried it would last forever because Tristan had SEVERE colic and he was fussy for most of his first year of life. He is actually still fussy...can a two year old have colic??? Anyway, I am happy to report that Jonah is a very happy boy. He rolls all over the room and can sit all by himself. Although it doesn't last for long because he is always moving around and putting EVERYTHING in his mouth. Did I mention that he has an extraordinary amount of hair? I mean it is ridiculous! Everyone things he is either a girl or much older than he is. We will just let it grow and see what happens. I will post pics soon.
Tristan is 2 yrs 8 months and everyday is an adventure with him. He is talking so much and using 3 and 4 word sentences. Some of the stuff he comes up with really amazes me. He is growing so much too and I really don't think he is behind anymore in his weight and height. I could be wrong but it seems to me that he has really caught up. He has just recently started to lose his baby face :( I definitely have a boy on my hands too because he jumps, climbs, and wrestles all day long. He is so in love with his baby brother and really can't wait until he can play with him. I am so madly in love with these boys. My journey though infertility was worth every heart ache and tear and I would go through all of it and more to have these boys in my life. They are nothing short of amazing. Don't let me forget to mention my amazing husband who cooks every night for us. Seriously ladies, he does. And I don't mean mac n' cheese. He has been really helping me with Jonah these days as far as putting him to sleep too. I know, you don't have to tell me what I already know, I am a very lucky girl.
As far as me, when I am not working, nursing, taking care of the boys, I have been baking and couponing. They are both my new obsessions. This Thanksgiving I will be making pumpkin cupcakes. Some will have Cinnamon butter cream and the others will have pumpkin butter cream. Baking is so rewarding when you have 2 guys in your life who always want to eat your creations. Soon that will be 3 guys to bake for.
That's all I can think of at the moment. I am a bit tired this morning as I get up at 5 am every morning. And on this particular morning I cleaned our bathroom at 5:30a because I can't seem to find any other time to do it no matter what I do. So please excuse me for not being at the top of my game. I will try to be more consistent with my post, more so for myself but we shall see. Actully I will try and post later again today. This post was more of a update in a super small nutshell.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Please Fire me...
Have you seen this website?
I seen this over at Summer's blog and had to share. There was a couple of these that I had to ask myself..."Is someone here posting on this site?"
I have a very quick update and will update better soon with ultrasound pics. As of yesterday I am 20 weeks. We just found out we are having another boy. Yay, Tristan will have a baby brother! We have no clue on names yet but I will let you know when we have chosen one. So far everything seems to be looking good and I hope it continues for the second half of my pregnancy. I will update more in bit.
P.S. I am praying very hard for a couple of friends on PAFC (Parenting After Fertility Challenges message board) who are in their 2ww (two week wait), and also for a dear blogger that I have come to know and love this past year, Summer, who is embarking in her 4th IVF. If you have a free second please send a prayer that this month will be the month that these wonderful women become mommies.
I seen this over at Summer's blog and had to share. There was a couple of these that I had to ask myself..."Is someone here posting on this site?"
I have a very quick update and will update better soon with ultrasound pics. As of yesterday I am 20 weeks. We just found out we are having another boy. Yay, Tristan will have a baby brother! We have no clue on names yet but I will let you know when we have chosen one. So far everything seems to be looking good and I hope it continues for the second half of my pregnancy. I will update more in bit.
P.S. I am praying very hard for a couple of friends on PAFC (Parenting After Fertility Challenges message board) who are in their 2ww (two week wait), and also for a dear blogger that I have come to know and love this past year, Summer, who is embarking in her 4th IVF. If you have a free second please send a prayer that this month will be the month that these wonderful women become mommies.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Finally got some shopping done!
Not to much going on these days but we did finally get some shopping done. We have been sort of broke these days when it comes to Christmas because we did not budget for Christmas shopping do to us being promised that a check from the IRS would be here by October. So, lesson learned. Do not count on the IRS and save for Christmas no matter what! We were told that our check will be mailed next Monday the 21st. Awesome. Possibly in time for Christmas but really not much time to shop. I am trying not to count on it being here but still praying that it gets here by next Wednesday. We have been pretty down about this so we decided to use our savings to shop for at least Tristan. That's what it's there for I guess. So we got a handful of things and just have to get a few more things before we are officially done with him. Feels good to have the most important person taken care of. Now I just have to restrain Ken from going upstairs and playing with Tristan's new lute!
I am getting super excited for Christmas though and having some of both sides of our family over. It should be a full house and that is what me and Ken envisioned when buying a house. This is the kind of Christmas that we had as kids that has faded away as we have gotten older. I am happy to say that Tristan should experience a big Christmas this year. I have already started making my chocolate covered pretzels. I got 95 Chocolate and green Vanilla made so far. Another batch this weekend and I will be set. Next Friday me and Theresa will carry on our tradition of making Christmas cookies and I will make some cookies and try a new Chocolate Mint Roll Cake I saw a recipe for. Doesn't this cake look awesome! I am nervous about the actual cake rolling part though since I have never done that before so I hope it turns out!

I am getting super excited for Christmas though and having some of both sides of our family over. It should be a full house and that is what me and Ken envisioned when buying a house. This is the kind of Christmas that we had as kids that has faded away as we have gotten older. I am happy to say that Tristan should experience a big Christmas this year. I have already started making my chocolate covered pretzels. I got 95 Chocolate and green Vanilla made so far. Another batch this weekend and I will be set. Next Friday me and Theresa will carry on our tradition of making Christmas cookies and I will make some cookies and try a new Chocolate Mint Roll Cake I saw a recipe for. Doesn't this cake look awesome! I am nervous about the actual cake rolling part though since I have never done that before so I hope it turns out!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Such a slacker this year
I said at the end of the summer that we were going to start shopping even earlier this year due to our newly acquired mortgage payments. Somehow it is December 2nd and we only have 2 presents bought. Me and Ken have had nasty colds so we only have the Christmas tree up and no other decorations yet. We are seriously slacking here! How is it already December? How is my baby only 3 months away from turning 2? It is so true what they say, the older you get, the faster time flies. So how is everyone else doing with your Holiday shopping and decorating? Did it sneak up on you like it did on me? This is my favorite time of year but jeez....can it slow down a bit!
On a side note. I was asked by our dear friends Mike and Deana to take their wedding photos since their photographer fell through. I am in NO WAY a professional photographer and yes they knew this. I had a lot of fun though especially since I always wanted to become a photographer. I only have a semi-professional camera but it makes me want to pursue this a little more. Here is litterally a couple of pics from the wedding on 11/21/09. I have hundreds more to edit this weekend but I wanted to show you how beautiful the bride was. If you click on the pics you can get larger better view of them. They are uploading darker for some reason too.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Today would have been my due date
I didn't carry my little one for long but today would have been my due date. Even though I am pregnant again, I still hurt for our lost baby that will forever live in our hearts.
Monday, November 30, 2009
My story of our Miracles
Ok, wow. So where do I start. I have been waiting, hoping and praying for the day that I got to make this post. Me and Ken are more than excited to anounce miracle #2 is due 6/23/10. It has been a long and rough road. It some ways it was rougher than with Tristan and in other ways not. Don't worry I will explain. For those that are unaware, I have PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) which causes many little cysts all over my ovaries making it to where I do not ovulate on my own. I barely have any cycles on my own, have rapid weight gain, and lose my hair like crazy. Don't worry, I'm not bald...yet! These are the symtoms that I expirience personally but there is other symtoms of PCOS that other women face. It is something I will have the rest of my life and is incurable. Something I will have to manage with the medicine Glucaphage or Metformin (generic version). I found out I had PCOS when I went to the doctor to try to conceive Tristan. I knew something was wrong so I thought I should get checked out. Low and behold I did have issues. I was treated through my OB for 6 months before turning to a Reproductive Endocrinologist (aka RE aka fertility doctor). I turned to him not becasue I hadn't become pregnant yet, but because I was not responding to the treatment from my OB at all. I wasn't even coming close to ovulating. My RE was amazing and I was able to conceive Tristan with oral meds. My HCG levels and progesterone levels were so low with Tristan (beta 30 and progesterone 6) that they thought for sure I would miscarry and prepared me for the worst. Talking to my OB about it recently she said she has never seen anyone with a progesterone level that low carry a baby to term. Tristan was always a miracle to us but it became evident recently how much of a miracle my little guy really is.
Right before Tristans 1st birthday in March we decided we were going to try again on our own and if nothing happened we would go back to the fertility center around September. We didn't think we had much of a chance but PCOS has a habbit of going into remission for the first year after having a baby so we thought why not try. In April we found out we were pregnant. We never realized just how bad we wanted another baby until we saw that positive test. I didn't know how far along I was due to me not having a cycle since Sept so I went in for an u/s to find an empty sac at 5 weeks. They had me come back in 2 weeks and there was no heartbeat. I have never in my life felt heartache like that. It rocked me to my core. I did a lot of crying and praying for answers. I will say that I never lost my faith because I know god has a plan for us. I prayed for strength and the lord answered me. I miscarried on 4/28/09 and that was the week we were putting offers on our house so I was occupied. If it wasn't for being in the middle of closing our house and moving I would have had a lot more time to fall deeper into a sad hole. I was reminded everyday that I have a precious son and husband who loves and needs me. They were my rock that got me through. I will always be sad for our baby that would have been due 12/1/09, but I am at peace now and at an understanding with the Lord. Only a couple of people new I was pregnant last Spring ( I literally mean a couple) so I really don't want anyone to be offended that I didn't tell them. It was something I was not ready to talk about until now. I didn't want sympathy or questions. I just needed to cope alone. And lets be honest, if someone tells you they just had a miscarriage you can't not say anything right? Well I didn't want anything said. I hope that is understandable. You may wonder why I mention it now. Well for starters, I can now talk about it without being bitter and even though my pregnancy was short lived, our baby will never be forgotten and always live in our hearts.
I decided to stop breastfeeding Tristan in May because he was ready (only getting nursed at night at that point) and I needed to get back on my maintenance drugs because my PCOS came back with the vengeance. I was gaining weight fast and losing my hair again so I knew it was time. I did one round of fertility treatment with my OB before going back to my RE. I did a few months of oral meds that I conceived Tristan with but I wasn't really responding. So he switched me to oral meds and injections that I had to give myself in the stomach. Can you say Owe! That was so not fun and I seriously had to give myself a pep talk every night to be able to give myself the injection. But I knew it was worth it because I was responding so well to it. I was growing follicles like mad which is way more than I was doing on oral meds. So after a few months of injections, welts, sore tummy, ultrasounds and bloodwork every few days, hot flashes, tears from hormones....we finally got our BFP (big fat positive as they say in the trying to conceive world) on 10/11/2009. I have gotten lots of blood work and 2 ultrasounds now with my RE and everything is looking great. I am on Metformin and progesterone until 12 weeks to help prevent me from miscarrying (I have a high chance of m/c with PCOS without meds) and I have now been released to my OB which is an awesome milestone and I can't wait to share my good news with her.
So that is my journey in a nutshell of how our miracles came about. I know it seems long but believe me when I tell you that this is the nutshell version. I have debated for a while on if I wanted to publish this journey but I have been asked a couple of times by people who know a little of the journey for more details and I also like to bring to light the awareness of PCOS and Infertility. I want people who battle Infertility to know they are not alone as well as women who struggle daily with PCOS. PCOS does hinder fertility but it is also a life long struggle and the medicine for it can make you sicker than a dog. I believe god doesn't give us what we can't handle though and that everything happens for a reason. I could be wrong but I think I look at Tristan a little different than I would have if I wouldn't have faught so hard for him. Every single day I count my blessings and thank god for blessing us with him. I have the most amazing family and I will NEVER EVER take that for granted. I have also been led to the most amazing women I have ever met through support message boards for women going through the same things I was. I actually belong to a private board of graduates called Parenting after Fertility Challenges. I have formed such a bond with this small group of women and I can say I call them my friends. We actually exchange Christmas cards too. So I think of all the faith, knowledge, and friendships I have gained and know this is why god put me on this journey. Another reason I decided to post my story is I have had it on my Facebook page that I battled infertility due to PCOS to conceive Tristan and I have had a few people reach out to me for support and questions because they are going through the same thing. So I am willing to put my bussiness out there if I can help someone else.
Sorry if this was long or bored you. I started typing and didn't really know where this was all going. I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday. I cooked my very first Thanksgiving dinner in our new house and it was an amazing day. What were you thankful for this year? I sure know what I am thankful for!
P.S. Do you like the song on my profile? I LOVE it! It's by Paula Fuga and Jack Johnson called "Country Road". I don't have it in me to change it yet because I just love it so much. Had to share my love of the song ;)
Right before Tristans 1st birthday in March we decided we were going to try again on our own and if nothing happened we would go back to the fertility center around September. We didn't think we had much of a chance but PCOS has a habbit of going into remission for the first year after having a baby so we thought why not try. In April we found out we were pregnant. We never realized just how bad we wanted another baby until we saw that positive test. I didn't know how far along I was due to me not having a cycle since Sept so I went in for an u/s to find an empty sac at 5 weeks. They had me come back in 2 weeks and there was no heartbeat. I have never in my life felt heartache like that. It rocked me to my core. I did a lot of crying and praying for answers. I will say that I never lost my faith because I know god has a plan for us. I prayed for strength and the lord answered me. I miscarried on 4/28/09 and that was the week we were putting offers on our house so I was occupied. If it wasn't for being in the middle of closing our house and moving I would have had a lot more time to fall deeper into a sad hole. I was reminded everyday that I have a precious son and husband who loves and needs me. They were my rock that got me through. I will always be sad for our baby that would have been due 12/1/09, but I am at peace now and at an understanding with the Lord. Only a couple of people new I was pregnant last Spring ( I literally mean a couple) so I really don't want anyone to be offended that I didn't tell them. It was something I was not ready to talk about until now. I didn't want sympathy or questions. I just needed to cope alone. And lets be honest, if someone tells you they just had a miscarriage you can't not say anything right? Well I didn't want anything said. I hope that is understandable. You may wonder why I mention it now. Well for starters, I can now talk about it without being bitter and even though my pregnancy was short lived, our baby will never be forgotten and always live in our hearts.
I decided to stop breastfeeding Tristan in May because he was ready (only getting nursed at night at that point) and I needed to get back on my maintenance drugs because my PCOS came back with the vengeance. I was gaining weight fast and losing my hair again so I knew it was time. I did one round of fertility treatment with my OB before going back to my RE. I did a few months of oral meds that I conceived Tristan with but I wasn't really responding. So he switched me to oral meds and injections that I had to give myself in the stomach. Can you say Owe! That was so not fun and I seriously had to give myself a pep talk every night to be able to give myself the injection. But I knew it was worth it because I was responding so well to it. I was growing follicles like mad which is way more than I was doing on oral meds. So after a few months of injections, welts, sore tummy, ultrasounds and bloodwork every few days, hot flashes, tears from hormones....we finally got our BFP (big fat positive as they say in the trying to conceive world) on 10/11/2009. I have gotten lots of blood work and 2 ultrasounds now with my RE and everything is looking great. I am on Metformin and progesterone until 12 weeks to help prevent me from miscarrying (I have a high chance of m/c with PCOS without meds) and I have now been released to my OB which is an awesome milestone and I can't wait to share my good news with her.
So that is my journey in a nutshell of how our miracles came about. I know it seems long but believe me when I tell you that this is the nutshell version. I have debated for a while on if I wanted to publish this journey but I have been asked a couple of times by people who know a little of the journey for more details and I also like to bring to light the awareness of PCOS and Infertility. I want people who battle Infertility to know they are not alone as well as women who struggle daily with PCOS. PCOS does hinder fertility but it is also a life long struggle and the medicine for it can make you sicker than a dog. I believe god doesn't give us what we can't handle though and that everything happens for a reason. I could be wrong but I think I look at Tristan a little different than I would have if I wouldn't have faught so hard for him. Every single day I count my blessings and thank god for blessing us with him. I have the most amazing family and I will NEVER EVER take that for granted. I have also been led to the most amazing women I have ever met through support message boards for women going through the same things I was. I actually belong to a private board of graduates called Parenting after Fertility Challenges. I have formed such a bond with this small group of women and I can say I call them my friends. We actually exchange Christmas cards too. So I think of all the faith, knowledge, and friendships I have gained and know this is why god put me on this journey. Another reason I decided to post my story is I have had it on my Facebook page that I battled infertility due to PCOS to conceive Tristan and I have had a few people reach out to me for support and questions because they are going through the same thing. So I am willing to put my bussiness out there if I can help someone else.
Sorry if this was long or bored you. I started typing and didn't really know where this was all going. I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday. I cooked my very first Thanksgiving dinner in our new house and it was an amazing day. What were you thankful for this year? I sure know what I am thankful for!
P.S. Do you like the song on my profile? I LOVE it! It's by Paula Fuga and Jack Johnson called "Country Road". I don't have it in me to change it yet because I just love it so much. Had to share my love of the song ;)
Friday, October 2, 2009
I feel like it has been a thousand years since my last post. This has been a really busy summer and when I wasn't busy I was sucking up all the time I could with Ken and Tristan. I just couldn't bring myself to go sit in the basement and blog, or anything on the computer for that matter. It doesn't help that I am on a computer 40 hours during the week for work. If I had a laptop it would be a bit easier. So that's my story and I am sticking to it!
So, it's Fall now. Are you excited? I am ecstatic. I am not really a big summer person. Not a fan of the heat. (Aunt Margie and Uncle Charlie will contest to this from the summer I spent complaining in Disney World in August!) Not that we had much heat this summer. I do love the fall though. I love the cool air and the way the air smells and the beauty of the leaves changing. Something about looking out my window doing the dishes and seeing the yellow leaves blow around is so serene to me. Most people probably think I'm crazy and want the summer back but I love the fall. The season that brings holidays and love. Which brings me to the holidays. I know most people are dreading the holidays but I can't really tell you how excited Ken and I are for the holidays. We talk and anticipate it all the time these days. This is a very exciting holiday season for us this year since Tristan is a year and a half now (gasp!), and we are now in a new house and a new neighborhood. We are excited to decorate our new dwelling inside and out and have Tristan help us, and make yummy, sugary, fattening holiday baked goods. I am excited to have family and friends over for gatherings and to bundle Tristan up to make a snow man during the first big snow. These are things many are dreading but something I am more than ready and excited for.
Stats: Tristan had his 18 month apt on 9/27/09 (Aunt Margie's birthday! Spent her birthday in beautiful Italy!) He is 21lbs 3 oz and 31in. The little guy hasn't grown much at all in the past few months but the doctor says he is doing well. Is it weird that he looks so much bigger to me? He is truly amazing though. He isn't talking a whole lot yet (well he is in his own little language) but I know he will be saying tons of words any day now. He loves to mock everything we do and it cracks us up. The nurse was surprised when I said he sleeps 10-12 hours straight through. I deserve this though because he was getting up 1-4 times a night until he was a year old. He is a boy through and through. Let me tell you!! He runs everywhere, climbs on anything and everything he can find and loves to hit the cats and dog with his foam bat. If he sees a box, he is climbing or sitting in it. If he sees a dinning room chair, he is climbing under it. If he is on our bed or the couch, he is jumping on it. I love it though. Boys are too much fun. I fear though that I will have the boy who digs up snakes and bugs and brings them to me. What will I do then!
I am trying to think what else is new with us. I will probably be taking a cake decorating class soon with my friend Jen. I am so excited to do this! I have been wanting to for a really long time but the only time anyone ever has classes is during the week. My friend Jen knows someone who might have classes on Sundays. So I am just waiting on the details to get started. I will be buying a Kitchenaid mixer soon too. I am way to excited about that. Ken said I BETTER use it all the time if we spend the money on it. I definitely think I will since I am really getting into baking. Plus I wouldn't mind making some bread too. So hopefully I will have learned lots of neat techniques for the holiday season baking!
That's all that has been new with us these days. I forgot to mention Ken! He is doing great. It is football season which means fantasy football time and needless to say this is his favorite time of year. He is not doing the best in fantasy football this year but we are hoping his team will get better. We are also hoping that Tony Romo doesn't blow the season for the Cowboys. It is definitely a nail biting year for football! The end of the baseball season is getting stressful though too. The Tigers are 2 games up in the division and I was for sure they blew it the other night against The Twins. But they pulled it out and only have a few more games to win before clenching the division. It's exciting but we don't see them lasting too long in the playoffs. Whats your favorite team? Who are you routing for? I hope you say Dallas Cowboys and Ohio State! O-HI-O!!!!!!
Ok, and now the moment you have all been waiting for. Drum roll please..... Pictures of the cutest little munchkin you ever did see. (In my eyes anyway :) I also have some below these of random summer events including my dads 50th surprise party. I can't explain how surprised he was! Anyone who knows my dad knows that it's a hard thing to do for a guy always on the go and asking questions.
P.S. I have read a blog that has touched my soul profoundly. The Sullivan Family. I ask that you pray for Sara's husband and new baby Chloe as they try to live a life without their amazing and brave mother and wife. You can read their story here. If you read the blog from the beginning of this year, I promise Sara's bravery and fight with cancer while being pregnant as well as extreme faith and love in god will touch you too. "Sara, your legacy has touched many people world wide and will continue to."
So, it's Fall now. Are you excited? I am ecstatic. I am not really a big summer person. Not a fan of the heat. (Aunt Margie and Uncle Charlie will contest to this from the summer I spent complaining in Disney World in August!) Not that we had much heat this summer. I do love the fall though. I love the cool air and the way the air smells and the beauty of the leaves changing. Something about looking out my window doing the dishes and seeing the yellow leaves blow around is so serene to me. Most people probably think I'm crazy and want the summer back but I love the fall. The season that brings holidays and love. Which brings me to the holidays. I know most people are dreading the holidays but I can't really tell you how excited Ken and I are for the holidays. We talk and anticipate it all the time these days. This is a very exciting holiday season for us this year since Tristan is a year and a half now (gasp!), and we are now in a new house and a new neighborhood. We are excited to decorate our new dwelling inside and out and have Tristan help us, and make yummy, sugary, fattening holiday baked goods. I am excited to have family and friends over for gatherings and to bundle Tristan up to make a snow man during the first big snow. These are things many are dreading but something I am more than ready and excited for.
Stats: Tristan had his 18 month apt on 9/27/09 (Aunt Margie's birthday! Spent her birthday in beautiful Italy!) He is 21lbs 3 oz and 31in. The little guy hasn't grown much at all in the past few months but the doctor says he is doing well. Is it weird that he looks so much bigger to me? He is truly amazing though. He isn't talking a whole lot yet (well he is in his own little language) but I know he will be saying tons of words any day now. He loves to mock everything we do and it cracks us up. The nurse was surprised when I said he sleeps 10-12 hours straight through. I deserve this though because he was getting up 1-4 times a night until he was a year old. He is a boy through and through. Let me tell you!! He runs everywhere, climbs on anything and everything he can find and loves to hit the cats and dog with his foam bat. If he sees a box, he is climbing or sitting in it. If he sees a dinning room chair, he is climbing under it. If he is on our bed or the couch, he is jumping on it. I love it though. Boys are too much fun. I fear though that I will have the boy who digs up snakes and bugs and brings them to me. What will I do then!
I am trying to think what else is new with us. I will probably be taking a cake decorating class soon with my friend Jen. I am so excited to do this! I have been wanting to for a really long time but the only time anyone ever has classes is during the week. My friend Jen knows someone who might have classes on Sundays. So I am just waiting on the details to get started. I will be buying a Kitchenaid mixer soon too. I am way to excited about that. Ken said I BETTER use it all the time if we spend the money on it. I definitely think I will since I am really getting into baking. Plus I wouldn't mind making some bread too. So hopefully I will have learned lots of neat techniques for the holiday season baking!
That's all that has been new with us these days. I forgot to mention Ken! He is doing great. It is football season which means fantasy football time and needless to say this is his favorite time of year. He is not doing the best in fantasy football this year but we are hoping his team will get better. We are also hoping that Tony Romo doesn't blow the season for the Cowboys. It is definitely a nail biting year for football! The end of the baseball season is getting stressful though too. The Tigers are 2 games up in the division and I was for sure they blew it the other night against The Twins. But they pulled it out and only have a few more games to win before clenching the division. It's exciting but we don't see them lasting too long in the playoffs. Whats your favorite team? Who are you routing for? I hope you say Dallas Cowboys and Ohio State! O-HI-O!!!!!!
Ok, and now the moment you have all been waiting for. Drum roll please..... Pictures of the cutest little munchkin you ever did see. (In my eyes anyway :) I also have some below these of random summer events including my dads 50th surprise party. I can't explain how surprised he was! Anyone who knows my dad knows that it's a hard thing to do for a guy always on the go and asking questions.
P.S. I have read a blog that has touched my soul profoundly. The Sullivan Family. I ask that you pray for Sara's husband and new baby Chloe as they try to live a life without their amazing and brave mother and wife. You can read their story here. If you read the blog from the beginning of this year, I promise Sara's bravery and fight with cancer while being pregnant as well as extreme faith and love in god will touch you too. "Sara, your legacy has touched many people world wide and will continue to."
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Great Give Away!
There is a great give away over at B is for Brown
I read her blog often so hop and over and spread the love!
I read her blog often so hop and over and spread the love!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I am still here!
I am still here but have just been a bit busy these days. I didn't realize how busy we have been until I thought back a litlle. Since March we had Tristans 1st birthday party to plan and execute. Then we were looking at houses pretty much every weekend. In April we found our house and went back and forth every 2 days with negotiating for a week. May 1st we got our accepted offer and things have been crazy ever since. We had lots of paper work to sign, boxes to accumulate, packing to be done. It took us the whole month to pack because we have accumulated entirely too much crap and it's not so easy to pack with a baby. Since I didn't get home until 6p during the week, the only thing I had time for was have dinner, spending time with Tristan and Ken, showers for us and bath for Tristan and then bedtime. So the only time we had to pack was on the weekends at night when Tristan was sleeping. So that consumed May for us. June 5th we signed closing papers and have painted, moved and unpacked for the month of July. On top of this we have had parties of some sort every weekend. July, more parties. This last weekend was the first weekend we had absolutely nothing to do (and can not tell you how excited we were about this!) and guess what happened?? I got a stomach bug and Tristan has developed a horrible cough with fever and an ear infection. Fun weekend of sickies! I just wanted to give a quick run down of how busy things have been for us and why I am a slacker at updating these days. I didn't even realize how busy we have been until I sat down and thought about it. I have lots of pictures from summer outings that I will try to post on Friday when I am off though. I hope everyone has been enjoying their summer. If thats what you want to call this season. Can you believe that Saturday is August 1st! It hasn't even been that warm and we are already aproaching August. Which by the way is the day of our first mortgage payment :( Ok, everyone have a wonderful weekend. I will post again on Friday fellow bloggers!
P.S. I have a prayer request. My friend Sylvia's son Jess is back in the hospital. He is the premie baby that I told you about before. He lost a 1/2 oz over the weekend and is coughing really bad. They are running test to find out what is wrong with him. My friend is heart broken as her son is in the hospital once again. Please pray that Jess comes home soon and healthy.
P.S. I have a prayer request. My friend Sylvia's son Jess is back in the hospital. He is the premie baby that I told you about before. He lost a 1/2 oz over the weekend and is coughing really bad. They are running test to find out what is wrong with him. My friend is heart broken as her son is in the hospital once again. Please pray that Jess comes home soon and healthy.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Breastfeeding Toddler causes quite a stir...
Read this article and tell me what you think:
I don't understand how this is a problem at all. How is that any different than a toddler feeding her baby doll a toy bottle. Tristan has never had a drop of formula and only took between 8-12 Breast milk bottles a week (Until about 14 months when I stopped nursing him and he started whole milk out of a sippie). To him Breastfeeding is normal. So if he were to imitate feeding a doll, how is that offensive if he were to mimic breastfeeding? To him that's is how babies eat. If anything I think it teaches children that there is nothing sexual or wrong with breastfeeding. It is 100% natural and the way things have been done since the beginning of time. I don't understand how this is "sexualizing of children". Since when is breastfeeding sex or sexuality? This child isn't dressed sexually or exposing herself so how is this offensive. Should we be teaching our youth that breastfeeding is a naughty act? Why is there always such an uproar about breastfeeding? Why are people so offended when a woman breastfeeds in public even though she is covered up? These are things I don't understand about peoples opinions on breastfeeding. I always breastfed in the back of a car covered up because I wasn't strong enough to endure the comments and snickers from people walking by. I think there needs to be a change in mindset when it comes to breastfeeding. There is a reason mothers make milk after a child is born. I don't criticize people who choose not to but understand that this is the most natural thing and should not be looked at as sexual. Reading this article upset me and brings forth a lot of other issues regarding breastfeeding and I had to address it.
I don't understand how this is a problem at all. How is that any different than a toddler feeding her baby doll a toy bottle. Tristan has never had a drop of formula and only took between 8-12 Breast milk bottles a week (Until about 14 months when I stopped nursing him and he started whole milk out of a sippie). To him Breastfeeding is normal. So if he were to imitate feeding a doll, how is that offensive if he were to mimic breastfeeding? To him that's is how babies eat. If anything I think it teaches children that there is nothing sexual or wrong with breastfeeding. It is 100% natural and the way things have been done since the beginning of time. I don't understand how this is "sexualizing of children". Since when is breastfeeding sex or sexuality? This child isn't dressed sexually or exposing herself so how is this offensive. Should we be teaching our youth that breastfeeding is a naughty act? Why is there always such an uproar about breastfeeding? Why are people so offended when a woman breastfeeds in public even though she is covered up? These are things I don't understand about peoples opinions on breastfeeding. I always breastfed in the back of a car covered up because I wasn't strong enough to endure the comments and snickers from people walking by. I think there needs to be a change in mindset when it comes to breastfeeding. There is a reason mothers make milk after a child is born. I don't criticize people who choose not to but understand that this is the most natural thing and should not be looked at as sexual. Reading this article upset me and brings forth a lot of other issues regarding breastfeeding and I had to address it.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Quick note...
A couple people have asked me about the song on my page. The song is "County Road" by Jack Johnson and Paula Fuga. It's amazing! If you didn't know, Jack Johnson is a Hawaii native and so is Paula Fuga. The song can be purchased at halaukumana.org or through itunes. The proceeds benefit Native Hawaiian Culturally Based Charter Schools. I am really liking Paula Fuga's music as well. Her C.D can be purchased on Amazon.com or through itunes as well. I think I might be ordering it off of itunes soon!
Happy 4th Anniversary to us!
OK, WARNING: This is probably going to be a long post as I have been busy and slacker blogger lately. A few of my online gals have been hounding me so it's going to be a long update I think...First things first. We are in the new house and totally LOVING it. As of right now we have gotten the living room, dining room, and Tristan's bedroom painted. I want to thank Mary and Chelsea for helping us paint until 1a the night before we moved. You guys are awesome! I also want to thank our movers Mom, Jim, Theresa, Mike, Billy, and Chelsea. We appreciate your help so much! This weekend we have to get the basement painted and the bathroom and we should be done with painting. It has been busy, busy, busy! We still need to unpack the bedrooms and a lot of random stuff in the basement. We just got our bedroom furniture and just painted Tristan's room painted Sunday night so we didn't want to unpack up there just yet. As soon as basement is done we will unpack everything down there and get our super cool music themed room set up. Well, we are hoping it's super cool anyway! After this weekend my goal is to start working on the yard. The previous owners did SO much work and remodeled everything inside and out, but they didn't keep up the yard at all so it needs some major TLC. The grass is dying everywhere and it is weed city in the backyard. Ken says when he sprays the yard with weed killer all the so called grass will be gone too because it's mostly weeds. Then I want to get some flowers planted at least out front. Kens parents were nice enough to give us a lawn mower and a couple of shovels and rakes to get us started. Now I just have to get a hose and a big shed to hold yard stuff and table and chair sets during the winter. The previous owners tore down the garage :( SO that's what is on the agenda for right now. I did notice the weekend that we moved in that there is no sidewalks on either side of the street. I am so sad about this. I can't really take Tristan for a walk or teach him how to ride a bike on our street. So I am working on getting him an outdoor playhouse. I think I might get him this one because there is so much to do on it and he can grow with it. Plus it is on major sale at Meijers through the end of July! Score!

I think it looks fun anyway! He LOVES to be outside and there is not much to do out there right now so we are working on making it a fun place to be.
Speaking of my little man, he is loving the new house. He can walk everywhere downstairs and that keeps him busy all day. That and he chases the cats and dog around with the cat wand. He hasn't really played with his toys much. Running around the house and chasing the animals has kept him very busy. I think he likes the freedom. No more being locked in a small cramped living room. It cracks me up to watch him running back and forth and laughing so hard over god knows what. I think he has also hit a major growth spurt. Finally! He seems so much longer and weighs more. At least it feels like it. He hasn't really had any huge growth spurts so it is about time. He is also getting 2 molars in at the same time. Yes I said 2! The past 2 nights he was crying in his crib off and on until 10:30p. I feel so bad for him. But he hasn't gotten any teeth since December so he is definitely due to get some more. So now he has 8. Lets see, what else??? He is an amazing eater. There is nothing this kid won't eat. Lately he has been on a strawberry kick. Ken was eating a salad with french dressing the other day and gave him a bite and he loved it. I am so proud as I am still as picky as I was when I was a kid. I wish I liked more foods, especially salad. But I will settle for having a child that likes everything. He eats so much too. I seriously think he could out eat many 5 year olds. It's amazing that he is so small. He either just has a fast metabolism, runs off all this food, or it has something to do with us giving him no sweets at all and giving him all fresh veggies and fruits. Oh and no juice. He is so much fun though and I can't wait to see what summer brings. I hear the Zoo has finally re-opened their new and amazing petting zoo so hopefully we can get to that soon. Although, I hope every animal there is prepared to be called "kiiiiy" (kitty) by Tristan!
One of my last things for this post is, today me and Ken have been married for 4 years!!! I can't believe it! Time goes so fast. Each year that passes has been more amazing than the one before it and I thank god all the time that I found Ken. It amazes me that we have been together almost 7 years and I love him more and more every day. I think next year for our 5th anniversary we will have a huge party and have Kens friends band play. They are "The Sanderlings", and they are amazing. They will be at the Cherry Fest this weekend (as will we be to see them on Friday :) and they play at Pizza Papalis downtown all the time. They also played at the Glass City Marathon if you were downtown then. They play mostly cover songs at these venues that were hits from the 70's-90's and sound great. We LOVE their original music the best though. If you want to check them out and hear their own music you can go here: http://www.myspace.com/sanderlings. Gotta get out the word and promote the guys since they are so awesome! Ken's friend is Jon. He went to High School with him and he is the drummer. They just recently got back in contact since high school.

The Band - They have So much fun up there!

Ken's friend Jon
OK, so I think that is about it. We just decided that we are going to have our housewarming party on July 4Th. It's more of a kick off the summer, celebrate me and Kens Birthday, 4Th Anniversary, we just bought a new house, reason to throw a party, party. this was the only weekend that seemed feasible because there is already something going on most weekends this summer and we didn't want to wait until the end of summer. We want to kick off the summer! So I will try and get invites mailed out this Friday. I still have to make them so I need to get my butt in gear! Haven't had no time to sit on the computer though. They will get out though, I promise!
OK, I think I am coming to the end to my extremely long blog post. Haven't posted in a while and had a lot of updates though. I want to say happy begining of the summer to everyone. There is so much stuff going on in the city so I hope everyone gets out and enjoys it. I am excited about the Farmers Markets. Do you guys go to the Farmers Market's? I never really went to one until last year when Tristan started eating solids and I started making my own baby food. They are awesome though and everything is so cheap and so much better. There is one at Elder Beerman every Wednesday at Westgate and I just noticed yesterday while on my lunch that they have started back up for the season. They are right in front of my work so I know where I will be next wednesday at lunch time! Perfect time for me to buy my flowers and get Tristan some yummy fruit from the locals! Ok, I leave you with a few pictures. I will get detailed pics of the house as soon as everything is set up and done being painted. Lots of people have asked but I want everything to be done first. I will show you the outside though. This was taken before we bought it by the sellers. Hopefully I will have some flowers soon!

I have a prayer request. I have two friends who could really use some prayers regarding their kids. First, my friend Sylvia had her baby boy Jess about a month or so ago and he was 5 weeks early. She just found out that he needs heart surgery. He has 2 Heart defects: Ventricular Septal Defect & Pulmonary Valve Stenosis(narrowing in pulm. valve). Its a matter of time the doc said, when he needs it. I guess the valve wont fix itself & that's what he needs surgery on. Please pray for them. She is going through a hard time right now and is really feeling the ol' sang "When it rains it poors". My second prayer request is for one of my online friends from a private message board PAFC (Pregnancy after fertility challenges). Her twins were born last Tuesday. Her daughter has already come home but her son is only taking half of the bottles he should be so they are trying to correct the problem in the hospital. They are hoping he comes home next week and I ask that we pray thats what happens so he can be with his sister and big brother. "Lord please keep these babies strong during these dificult times."
I think it looks fun anyway! He LOVES to be outside and there is not much to do out there right now so we are working on making it a fun place to be.
Speaking of my little man, he is loving the new house. He can walk everywhere downstairs and that keeps him busy all day. That and he chases the cats and dog around with the cat wand. He hasn't really played with his toys much. Running around the house and chasing the animals has kept him very busy. I think he likes the freedom. No more being locked in a small cramped living room. It cracks me up to watch him running back and forth and laughing so hard over god knows what. I think he has also hit a major growth spurt. Finally! He seems so much longer and weighs more. At least it feels like it. He hasn't really had any huge growth spurts so it is about time. He is also getting 2 molars in at the same time. Yes I said 2! The past 2 nights he was crying in his crib off and on until 10:30p. I feel so bad for him. But he hasn't gotten any teeth since December so he is definitely due to get some more. So now he has 8. Lets see, what else??? He is an amazing eater. There is nothing this kid won't eat. Lately he has been on a strawberry kick. Ken was eating a salad with french dressing the other day and gave him a bite and he loved it. I am so proud as I am still as picky as I was when I was a kid. I wish I liked more foods, especially salad. But I will settle for having a child that likes everything. He eats so much too. I seriously think he could out eat many 5 year olds. It's amazing that he is so small. He either just has a fast metabolism, runs off all this food, or it has something to do with us giving him no sweets at all and giving him all fresh veggies and fruits. Oh and no juice. He is so much fun though and I can't wait to see what summer brings. I hear the Zoo has finally re-opened their new and amazing petting zoo so hopefully we can get to that soon. Although, I hope every animal there is prepared to be called "kiiiiy" (kitty) by Tristan!
One of my last things for this post is, today me and Ken have been married for 4 years!!! I can't believe it! Time goes so fast. Each year that passes has been more amazing than the one before it and I thank god all the time that I found Ken. It amazes me that we have been together almost 7 years and I love him more and more every day. I think next year for our 5th anniversary we will have a huge party and have Kens friends band play. They are "The Sanderlings", and they are amazing. They will be at the Cherry Fest this weekend (as will we be to see them on Friday :) and they play at Pizza Papalis downtown all the time. They also played at the Glass City Marathon if you were downtown then. They play mostly cover songs at these venues that were hits from the 70's-90's and sound great. We LOVE their original music the best though. If you want to check them out and hear their own music you can go here: http://www.myspace.com/sanderlings. Gotta get out the word and promote the guys since they are so awesome! Ken's friend is Jon. He went to High School with him and he is the drummer. They just recently got back in contact since high school.
The Band - They have So much fun up there!
Ken's friend Jon
OK, so I think that is about it. We just decided that we are going to have our housewarming party on July 4Th. It's more of a kick off the summer, celebrate me and Kens Birthday, 4Th Anniversary, we just bought a new house, reason to throw a party, party. this was the only weekend that seemed feasible because there is already something going on most weekends this summer and we didn't want to wait until the end of summer. We want to kick off the summer! So I will try and get invites mailed out this Friday. I still have to make them so I need to get my butt in gear! Haven't had no time to sit on the computer though. They will get out though, I promise!
OK, I think I am coming to the end to my extremely long blog post. Haven't posted in a while and had a lot of updates though. I want to say happy begining of the summer to everyone. There is so much stuff going on in the city so I hope everyone gets out and enjoys it. I am excited about the Farmers Markets. Do you guys go to the Farmers Market's? I never really went to one until last year when Tristan started eating solids and I started making my own baby food. They are awesome though and everything is so cheap and so much better. There is one at Elder Beerman every Wednesday at Westgate and I just noticed yesterday while on my lunch that they have started back up for the season. They are right in front of my work so I know where I will be next wednesday at lunch time! Perfect time for me to buy my flowers and get Tristan some yummy fruit from the locals! Ok, I leave you with a few pictures. I will get detailed pics of the house as soon as everything is set up and done being painted. Lots of people have asked but I want everything to be done first. I will show you the outside though. This was taken before we bought it by the sellers. Hopefully I will have some flowers soon!
I have a prayer request. I have two friends who could really use some prayers regarding their kids. First, my friend Sylvia had her baby boy Jess about a month or so ago and he was 5 weeks early. She just found out that he needs heart surgery. He has 2 Heart defects: Ventricular Septal Defect & Pulmonary Valve Stenosis(narrowing in pulm. valve). Its a matter of time the doc said, when he needs it. I guess the valve wont fix itself & that's what he needs surgery on. Please pray for them. She is going through a hard time right now and is really feeling the ol' sang "When it rains it poors". My second prayer request is for one of my online friends from a private message board PAFC (Pregnancy after fertility challenges). Her twins were born last Tuesday. Her daughter has already come home but her son is only taking half of the bottles he should be so they are trying to correct the problem in the hospital. They are hoping he comes home next week and I ask that we pray thats what happens so he can be with his sister and big brother. "Lord please keep these babies strong during these dificult times."
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